Inviting bids? Or bidding for work?
and foremost we understand what makes a good Invitation To Tender - from both
sides of the fence. We will help you get this important document right
- so that you understand how it is actually going to deliver the right results
for your organisation. Beyond the selection stage we will also advise you
on how best to get the relationship working for both sides. Win-win is the
solution we aim for.
- Consultancy
- being secure in your understanding of what you are asking for will make
certain that the right consultants respond to your invitations to tender.
More important, we have seen literally thousands of client specifications and
know the pitfalls. In our experience, in 100% of cases, what the client
originally specified as the problem they wanted addressed was not the
actual problem that needed to be dealt with. In some instances the
difference is only marginal - but this can still be significant.
Defining the Right Problem leads to the
Right Solution.
The reasons for failure are many; including the experience of those tasked with writing the
specification, the complexity of the situation, time and other resources available ...
the list goes on. It all comes down to the processes that are
adopted to ensure that problems are properly understood BEFORE solutions are
We are world-class in problem definition, as you might expect from an
organisation that sees this are a core competence to delivering value.
This means we can get you there FAST in terms of setting out what you really
need. Then we will happily step back and let your chosen providers get
on with delivering the solution to the RIGHT problem. Overall this
approach has saved
our clients £millions by ensuring that effort is directed in the right place
from the start.
- Outsourcing
- needs to be clear about where the boundaries lie. Managing the
relationship well in the early days pays huge dividends over time. We've
dealt across the world with outsource partnerships and have been able to help
clients get the best from their chosen providers. Just because
outsourcing (by definition) indicates that is something the organisation used
to do, does not mean that you can adopt the same management processes as
- Service Provision
- is much like outsourcing, with the exception that you probably never did it
yourself in the first place. We will work with you to ensure that you
are structuring the relationship to deliver best value.